"Parc Asterix" Plailly, France

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Francophiles, fans of the popular French cartoon character Asterix or families seeking a theme park experience sans mouse ears should head to Parc Asterix, just north of Paris. The park features all the characters from the comic books and their playful twist on Gallic history and mythology. Likewise, the rides have names that are far more sophisticated than what you’d find in an American theme park. Rides are named Flight of Icarus, Caesar’s Spies, and Descent Along the Styx. The latest attraction is the La Trace du Hourra, which is a bobsled-type ride that races down a tube of metal sheeting at 54 kph.

In addition to the rides, there are shows such as the “Theft of Mona Lisa” and a Musketeers show. The park also has a hotel, the Three Owls, located in the forest that borders the park; 40 candy stores; and six restaurants, from a grill to a pizzeria.

A one-day adult pass is 30 euros ($26); kids age 11 and up are 22 euros ($19.) Two-day passes for adults are 56 euros ($49); kids are 40 euros ($35). Season passes are 65 euros ($57) for adults and 45 euros ($41) for kids.

Parc Asterix
Plailly, France

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